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Phone: 818-336-8567
License #: 02024855
In academics, Justin excelled, achieving a 4.0 GPA and earning the title of student of the year. This dedication translated seamlessly into his career in Real Estate, where he was named Rookie of the Year in his first year.
Consistently recognized as a top producer in his office of over 200 Realtors, Justin’s performance places him in the top 1.5% of Realtors nationwide by transaction count and sales volume. He attributes his work ethic and commitment to taking care of people to the lessons instilled by his father, who passed away tragically in 2006.
Now, as a devoted husband and father of two, Justin strives to leave the same impression upon his children. He recognizes that he has the power to positively impact the lives of every client he serves and values being honored with that responsibility.
Phone: 818-632-3221
License #: 02196101
Phone: 323-717-2932
License #: 02202552
Date | Event |
Zone 2 (Sevenhills & Alpine Village) – 5/18/2024
Zone 3 (Lake View Terrace) – 6/29/2024